Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week!!!
These 2 boys were working together for quite some time. This is what they wanted to tell you:
"We built a spaceship. It was fun! We put 41 animals on it. We did teamwork! and it was fun! We made it out of lego. and it was really really fun!"  From 2 boys in Room 7
He used his imagination to build this, and then said " I'm going to build this when I'm older - in real life!"
    "We were building a world with some people". "I was building a robot and a new house cause the bad guy broke the old house."

  Sharing Time.....


  1. Love all the lego creations. we play a lot of lego at home. Can I get a ride in your vehicle after you've built it in real life?

    Jodi. M

    1. Yes, the inventor said, you can get a ride in the vehicle after he builds it in real life. Everyone likes playing lego at school!
      From Room 7
