Wednesday, March 24, 2021

When I Grow up....

 ....I want to be....

Roll the dice, subitize (quickly identify how many dots without counting them), then find the flower with the corresponding number! 

                                    Check out the designs as they decorated their eggs!

Library Day today!  Mr. Wesselius had a special activity for us today. He read us a story called Linus, The little Yellow Pencil  and we made a picture by using our pencil to shade the paper, then create a picture by erasing the shading!

Sharing time...


  1. So great to see what everyone wants to be when they grow up! Such high aspirations, good thing you're all learning so much from Mrs. Grant! Keep up the great work room 9

    1. Hi. Mrs. Grant would like to say "Thank you" for the nice compliment! It was so cool to see what everyone wants to be when they grow up!
      From Room 9

  2. Love the outfits for your profession selections. Good profession choices!! Doesn't anybody want to be a teacher like Mrs. Grant? The Easter eggs are very pretty. Good Job!
    Hoppy Easter from Texas. Hope your day is egg-stra special.

    1. Hi. Did you know that on dress like a teacher day, 3 people from our class dressed up like a teacher! We are glad you liked our Easter eggs! Curran has a joke for you..... "What do you call a frozen rabbit?"
      . Scroll down
      A HOP-SICLE !!! get it????

      From Room 9

  3. Curran’s mom3/24/2021 6:50 PM

    Wow, everyone looked great today!! I loved the shading picture Curran brought home, what a cool and different way to make art!

    1. Hi. Everyone liked making art with Mr. Wesselius. It was fun!
      From Room 9

  4. It’s wonderful to see all of the different professions that they are all interested in.

    1. Hi.
      Thank you! It was "egg-citing" to see what everyone wanted to be when they grow up!!
      Did you like our Easter joke... saying "Egg-citing"
      From Room 9

  5. Loved your joke Curran. That's a good one. I have a joke for you. What kind of key opens a banana?......................................................................A monkey 🤣
