Monday, March 22, 2021

Dress like a teacher day

 There were 2 Ms. Rempel's in Music Class today.  (Dress like a teacher day!)

Music Class
These girls were using pattern blocks to spell some sight words!
These kids were celebrating the baby's birthday!

There is a playground fundraiser being held in the gym on Friday.  Students are welcome to build a paper airplane at home. Bring it to school on Friday, along with $1.00 .
Each airplane costs $1.00 to enter in the flight contest. Prizes will be awarded!


  1. Curran’s mom3/22/2021 3:45 PM

    I heard all about baby “Island”’s birthday party, she got treats all day! Looks like everyone had a great time in music class!

    1. Hi. YES! We did have a good time in music! Baby Island turned 1 year old! Curran dressed up like Ms. Rempel and it was so confusing in music class, because there were 2 Ms. Rempels! They both played their ukeleles together at the same time!
      From Room 9

  2. Wow you guys looks great been a teacher!

  3. Hi. Thank you! It was fun dressing up like a teacher!
    From Room 9
