Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Feeling Lucky

Today we read a book about a monster... who ate his friends! Then there was a surprise twist at the end.... (parents, ask your child what happened!).  Afterwards, we had to search for Monsters that were hiding around our room. Each monster had a colour word printed on it, and we had to match up the monsters onto our paper, and print the corresponding colour word!  Everyone had so much fun with this and did a great job being "monster detectives!"

Sharing Time... G is for...



  1. We call Lucas "Lucky Luke" when it comes to fishing, he caught the biggest fish last summer!
    Great printing monster detectives!

    1. Hi. WOW! Lucas sure is a "Lucky Luke" to catch the biggest fish! Lucas tells us that he doesn't even like to eat fish! IT was fun looking for all the monsters around the room!
      From Room 9

  2. Mya came home and explained to me what “lucky” is and told me that she is looking forward to catching leprechaun’s on St.Patrick’s day.

    1. Hi! YES! We all want to try and catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day! We hope we will be lucky!
      From Room 9

  3. I feel lucky to be able to read your blog all the way in Texas, and enjoy all the fun experiences and learning you have in Room 9.

    1. Hi. We are glad you read our blog! Thank you for all your comments!
      From Room 9
