Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Adding white

Today we experimented with adding white to colours. Some of us had an idea what would happen, and some of us were pleasantly surprised!  We observed that the more white we added to a colour, the lighter the colour became. And each time we added more white, it continued to get lighter and lighter! This is how our little project looks so far....we are not quite done. We need to let it dry, then we'll finish up tomorrow. 

We welcomed a new student to our class this week.
  Some of the kids found this print outside at recess. They were quite interested in it. Was it from a bear? a wolf? a dog?  a rabbit?   hmmmmm...... Look how big it is compared to one of the girl's hands!

Sharing Time 


  1. Wow, that is one big paw print! I wonder what it could be! We love seeing all of these great colour experiments- keep up the great work!

    1. HI!
      We think it was a BIG dog print!
      From Room 7
