Tuesday, June 18, 2019

We've got mail!

One of our regular readers of this blog is known as..."Mrs. Grant's Auntie". Thank you so much to my Auntie Connie -- who lives in Seguin, Texas --for sending our class a card with a nice note today. All the kids were so excited to see and read it! 

Snail mail... all the way from TEXAS! 

This morning all the classes headed outside to meet with Richelle Scott, Indigenous Educator, who is teaching all classes the Buffalo Song.
Nursery rhyme puzzle solved!  And we sang/recited all the nursery rhymes, too!



  1. Thank you very much for all the comments and thank you notes throughout the year. It has been a pleasure reading your blog. I'm going to miss reading about you and your work this summer. Glad you enjoyed the card. Mrs. Grant's auntie Connie in Seguin, Texas, wishes you a HAPPY GRADUATION.

    1. Hi! Thank you very much for all the comments that you have left us this year. We liked reading your comments. The card that you sent us was a nice surprise! We only have 3 more days of Kindergarten left now! Then... we will be in Grade 1 in September!!
      Thanks again,
      From all the boys and girls in Room 7
