Monday, June 24, 2019

3 more days!

Mrs. Grant brought in a couple balloons filled with helium. The experiment was to test different items to see what the balloon could pull up with it! Light vs. Heavy

Ms. Amaral stopped by to talk once again about personal safety. Parents: Please Ask your child what he/she learned today.

After today.... only 3 more days of school. Please take a moment to empty out your child's backpack. Students are bringing home some of their "Stuff" today. It does not need to be carried back to school tomorrow! We need to make room in backpacks for a few more things!


  1. WOW!! only 3 more days left? Are you having a graduation ceremony? Have a great summer vacation. Enjoy grade one next school year. Mrs. Grant's auntie in Texas is waving goodbye to all of you.

    1. HI. Thank you for all the comments that you have left us this year! We did not have a graduation ceremony. But we did see the Grade 5 kids who are leaving our school to go to middle school. We are ready for Grade One. Grade 1 Here We Come!!!
      From everyone in Room 7
