Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Box dice

We spent the afternoon outside doing a variety of activities. After practicing drawing our own dice in our doodle books, we tackled drawing/painting the correct number of dots on boxes to make our own giant box dice!

This is how it went.....
Before the painting process,  we first looked at dot cards and reviewed how the dots are placed on dice to help us "subitize"..... then practiced drawing dot arrangements and printing numbers in our doodle books. Then we worked on the boxes next! We worked in small groups, and did a lot of talking about dots and used our teamwork skills to get the job done!

We found a shady spot for story time.
We have started talking about dinosaurs this week ! Some kids enjoyed trying out some dinosaur activities this morning!
Last, but not least...AND one of the highly anticipated events each morning.... was Sharing Time!

  • Please make sure to put sunscreen on your child every morning, and/or send it in their backpacks! 
  • Refillable water bottles are also a must! Please put your child's name or initials on it!  
  • and don't forget a hat!


  1. That's why there was blue paint on Remy when he came home yesterday!

    -Remy's Mom

    1. HI. We had fun painting the big dots on the dice! We liked playing a game with them!
      From Room 7
