Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Kindergarten Yahtzee/Walk

Yesterday we painted dot patterns on boxes to make dice. Today, we took our boxes outside and played "Kindergarten Yahtzee". 
For library class today, we asked Mr. Wesselius to read us a story outside. This is our last library class for the year. If you have not already returned your child's library book, please do so tomorrow. 
Ms. Amaral came outside to talk to us about Personal Safety, as part of the "Kids In The Know" program.

We ended the day with a walk to a nearby playground. On the way, we used our 5 senses..... we heard a helicopter, we used our nose to smell the lilacs along the way, and we used our eyes to read the house numbers along the way. We also tasted our snacks, that we brought along with us to eat at the picnic table at the playground.

Sharing Time


  1. Remy and I read house numbers on our walks too! We also really like hearing helicopters!
    What a wonderful day you all had! Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for you!

    -Remy's mom

    1. Hi. We had fun playing with the big dice and we had lots of fun at the park!
      From Room 7
