Monday, March 20, 2017

The leprechauns were here!

Uh -oh!   We think we had a visit from some leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day! We weren't at school to catch or see one on Friday, but today we found our room was messed up, toys all over, and some evidence of leprechaun type of things left around the room!!  And... we each found a chocolate gold coin in our lockers!! 
Today we started with the letter /L/  in the middle of several lines. We had to figure out what letters came before and after L. We did it!

This young man read a book to our class. (We called him our guest reader, even though he is in our class!) He did a terrific job!
Here is who dressed up as one of their favourite characters today.
During centre time, he used different types of blocks to create a scale. He said he could make it balance, and he did!


Thanks to all the families who made time to come to the school to celebrate your child's learning on Thursday evening or Friday. The children were excited to show you around our room and share some of their learning with you. It is nice for the kids to see that you value and support what they do at school every day.

The fundraiser to support families dealing with cancer, will continue for the rest of the week. Each day this week, for $1, students may buy a treat at recess time. (Tomorrow there will be popcorn and juice for sale, $1 each)

IF you were here on Thursday or Friday, you saw the notes posted around the school about Spirit Week. Tomorrow is pajama day. You are invited to wear clean, fresh pajamas to school (not the ones you just slept in).  


  1. Those Leprechauns are tricky! I can't believe they left some gold behind! Good job with figuring out the letters and to the little guy who read to the class :)

    1. Hi. Thank you for the compliments! That boy liked reading the book to our class. Now some other kids are getting ready to read to us, too!
      Thank you for the comment,
      By Room 7
