Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Bus Ridership

Today Bus Driver BOB came to teach us all about Bus Ridership  (how to ride a bus safely). He taught us about the stick that comes out in front of the school bus, to protect us from the "Danger Zone". He told us about all 7 emergency exits on the bus, (plus the main door makes 8 ways to get off the bus quickly). We all practiced getting out of the bus quickly and safely - by going out of the back door!!

We have been doing some activities based on the story "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom". Today we played Chicka-chicka-boom-boom BINGO. We were all great detectives finding the letters to match the sounds that Mrs. Grant told us!



  1. Sf.R (Parent)10/12/2016 4:50 PM

    Hi Mrs. Grant and room 7;

    This must have been very exciting learning all about the school bus! I have heard very exciting information about the school bus safety and emergency features and have had them explained to me. This make me a very happy mommy! I am very glad everyone has had such an exciting day today. Way to go kids, Also what beautiful green colors during sharing time!
    Mrs. Grant thank you for the pictures.

    1. HI! Thank you very much for the comment!! We were so excited to see it! We had a lot of fun learning about bus safety from bus driver BOB! He even left a bracelet for each of us, to help remind us about bus safety!
      From Room 7
      P.S. Mrs. Grant is so happy that you like our pictures!
