Friday, March 28, 2014


This afternoon we went to the gym to watch some older students play a game of basketball against some staff members. Although the students started out strong, the height of the staff members gave them a bit of an advantage, and the staff came out with the win. Otherwise, I'm sure the Stevenson Sabres would have been in the lead the whole game! Good job everyone! The Kinders enjoyed cheering for everyone and reading the numbers on the score board.

       Sharing time --- primary colours 

New Sharing Schedule for the rest of the year has been sent home today. Please check your child's red folder.
SPRING BREAK----March 31st to April 4th----NO SCHOOL 

Enjoy your family time.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Baby Jacob

Baby Jacob and his mom came for a visit (for the Roots of Empathy program).  We noticed he had reached some more milestones since his last visit. 
Parents: ask your child to tell you all about the new milestones he has reached!

     Baby Jacob and our class….. we are all growing too!!!

   Sharing time 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What Does a Friend Say?

What does a friend say?  
Well, we think just about everyone must have heard the hit song "What does a fox say?" (check it out on "You Tube" if you're still wondering what we are talking about). So we decided to do an activity "What does a friend say?"  
We brainstormed different things that a friend might say. Then we made our own little cartoon characters of ourselves using various shapes and coloured paper. The students were very proud of their own characters they created!

A friend might say…. "Friends can…."

A friend might say….. "Friends are…."

A friend might say….. "Friends like to…."

NOW let's all be a good friend!!

     Sharing time….. something with a primary colour on it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mission Impossible

This week the gym teachers have created  "Mission Impossible" activities in the gym for everyone to enjoy. There are many stations set up for the students (otherwise known as the Secret Agents),  to rotate through as they try and complete their mission!  Lots of fun for everyone!

Today we had 2 different games of Snakes and Ladders going on. One game was on the big plastic game board and one game was on the Smart Board!

           Sharing time this week --- show us something that has one of           
             your favourite primary colours on it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week did a great job telling us all about himself. We read his favourite book, too.
                                                                  Today we did some ABC Rainbow Writing.

As part of the fundraiser for The Dream Factory, everyone was encouraged to wear their pyjamas to school today and make a donation to this charity.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Dream Factory


Spirit Week

The Stevenson School Parent Council is raising money for THE DREAM FACTORY . It is a charitable organization dedicated to fulfilling dreams for kids who are battling life threatening illnesses.

In order to raise money for this cause, students are encouraged to bring $1 per day (or whatever they can contribute) as they participate in spirit week activities.

Monday - Comfy Cozy Monday: Wear your pajamas to school (ensure they are clean and appropriate for school please).

Tuesday - Mismatch Day: Wear your clothes inside out/backwards, mismatched, etc.

Wednesday - Crazy Hat Day: Wear a silly hat, or any hat.

Thursday - Crazy Hair Day: See how outrageous or bizarre you can style your hair.

Friday - Sports Day: Wear your favourite sports team shirt or jersey.

As well, family and friends are asked to consider making a donation, too. Students received a form earlier this month to record all donations. For those who make a personal donation of $15 or more, a tax receipt will be issued. Please send in forms this week, if you have not already done so.

Each student who participates will receive a Dream Cloud Factory sticker and a Dream Cloud they can sign and display outside the school office.

Students who participate will also be entered to win some great prizes!

The classroom who raises the most money will get a popcorn party, donated by Parent Council.

Friday, March 21, 2014


We like to play a quick game called "Mingle". At any time of the day, Mrs. Grant might say "mingle".  This is our signal to start walking around the room and mingling with everyone. Then, after a few moments, Mrs. Grant says "mingle and find 4" ( or any other number) and everyone must arrange themselves into groups of whatever number was called out!  It takes some thinking…. ie. does our group need more people? …. are there too many people?  Also, we have to use appropriate communication skills when inviting people into our group or telling them we have enough. If there is not enough to form a group, then we also talk about how many are left over! 

This is a picture after we did a "mingle and find 4" today.

This was our "mingle and find 3".

  Today we checked out the official copy of the Canada Food Guide. We noticed how many servings of each food group a 5 or 6 year old child should have. Everyone took home their own copy of the food guide.

We created our own modern works of art!  We combined several dots of different colours of  paint….and painted!!! They enjoyed watching how the colours blended together. Everyone created unique paintings!

            Sharing time today

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Food Group sort

We have been learning about the four food groups this month. Today we did a Smart Board activity where we sorted some foods. We are becoming more familiar with which food groups different foods belong to. 
We each did our own food sort, too! We did a cut and paste activity where we had to sort the foods onto the food group rainbow. (We put foods that belong in the "other" group at the bottom of the food group rainbow.)  Bonus: Cutting and pasting help develop our fine motor skills. :) 

We have also been keeping track of the snacks we bring to school and which food groups they fit into.

   Sharing time today --- p is for picture in a picture frame!