Thursday, February 4, 2021

Valentine Workshop

Just like Santa has his workshop at Christmas... we have a workshop, too!  It is our Valentine Workshop and it is up and running!  The kids were very engaged making Valentine's today!  

Sharing Time.... F is for fan and farts.... (and in case you were wondering, we even heard all the different kind of fart sounds!! Which led to lots of giggles, of course!)

Curran's Joke for today......
Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because he wasn't peeling well!



  1. Curran’s mom2/04/2021 4:17 PM

    Hahahaha the Fart book! That’s great!! I can imagine there was a lot of giggling going on, I hope that book didn’t come with smells as well!!

    1. Hi. We are also glad that the Fart book did NOT come with smells! That would be so stinky!!
      From Room 9

  2. JJ has brought in 3 jokes. This was one of them. It's a great one.

    1. Hi. We would love to see JJ's jokes. He should share them with us!
      From Room 9

  3. Lucas has loved sharing the banana joke at home, its been a hit with our family and friends

    1. Ha Ha. That is sure a funny joke! We all loved it!
      From Room 9
