Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Gym time!

 Lots of fun in gym class today!

                                   .........putting the caterpillar together in numerical order and matching the number words to the numbers.... and matching the coloured pegs to the same coloured bear!
Sharing time.... T is for ....


  1. Gym class looks fun!

    1. Hi. YES! Gym class is fun! We like going on the monkey bars, the swinging rope, and climbing up the rope ladder!
      From Room 9

  2. Oh wow, that looks like fun! Good job climbing! I hope you can go back on the outdoor play structure soon.
    - H's mom

  3. Hi. Yes, gym is fun! We are going to go on the outside play structure on Friday! Hppefully it is not too cold outside on Friday!
    Thank you for the comment!
    From Room 9

  4. My daughter will be starting kinder at SB in the fall, and when I showed her this picture she said that it looks like "TOO much fun"! :)

    1. Hello!! So glad you have checked out the blog! Gym time is definitely a favourite time of the day for the Kinders! Looking forward to meeting your daughter in the fall!!
      Mrs. Grant
