Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Joke in your pocket

The students stayed indoors for recess all last week! BRRRR!    Today the kids got to go outside for part of the lunch time recess and last recess. When I came back to the class after the indoor part of lunch recess, I found this note on the white board!  It made my heart smile, to see such a lovely note! 
   For "I Love to Read Month", everyone was encouraged to  bring a joke to school today. Here was the joke that Curran brought in! 

                                     Colour Patterns and abc's

                                        Write around the room.... but looking for words that start with specific                                                    letters!

Sharing Time

Here were the other jokes that were brought to school today......(thanks to the parents for helping their children bring a joke to school today)

What did one banana say to the other banana?

- Keep your eyes peeled!  (Elnata)

What do cows do for fun?

- They go to the moooo-vies!  (Avery)

What is a pirates favourite letter?

-  "R" ..... (said in a pirate voice).... Rrr, you'd think that - but the "C" be his first love!  (Lucas)

I wonder why dogs get mad when  you blow in their faces....but as soon as they get into the car, they stick their heads out the window!  Woof! Woof!  (Hannah)

What do you call a 3 humped camel?

- pregnant!

Why are teddy bears never hungry?

- They're always stuffed!   (Mrs. Grant)

Have a great evening!


  1. Curran’s mom2/17/2021 6:08 PM

    Great jokes everyone! Curran was so excited to hear everyone’s jokes today! I’m so happy everyone FINALLY got to play outside today. Hopefully this cold weather will split like Curran’s banana joke!!

    1. Hi. We had fun listening to all the jokes. They were funny! Curran wants to tell you that he likes to do the monkey bars! Because he is monkey, says Mrs. Grant! ha ha
      From Room 9

  2. Loved the jokes. Here is one for you from Texas.
    Why did the chicken cross the schoolyard?
    To get to the other slide!

    1. Hi. Mrs. Grant tried to explain this joke to us, but we didn't really get it!!
      From Room 9

  3. Great jokes! Thanks for sharing!

    1. HI. We like jokes, as long as we understand them!!
      From Room 9
