Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Golden Rule

Mrs. Havixbeck read us this story this morning. Parents, ask your child to tell you about the "Golden Rule".

During centre time today, this fellow held up a yellow colour paddle and a red colour paddle up to the light, and he noticed that when he put the two together it created a new colour -- ORANGE!
We went for a walk to a park this afternoon. We "looked both ways" before we crossed the street, and we talked about not "dilly-dallying" when we walked across each intersection.

Sharing Time -- something green
These 2 Kinders did a terrific job telling us about their green toys. They spoke in sentences with many words in each sentence, and spoke clearly for everyone to understand them. 
Parents:  Just a reminder to check the weather forecast each morning and make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather for the day. We do go outside for recess and gym everyday, and sometime for other activities and walks, too.


  1. I'll have to ask about the golden rule! I hear you've been learning how to gallop (with a lead foot and a chasing foot) and how to spell a-p-p-l-e-s! I hope you had a great time at the ladybug park. -H's mom

  2. Hi. Yes, We had fun at the ladybug park. We know how to sing a song about apples, and it says a-p-p-l-e-s! Thank you for the comment.
    From Room 9
