Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Library Day

Today we did a class writing activity, where we wrote a big chart story about our "Star of the Week". We had to remember some of the things she told us about yesterday to include in our story!  We had good listeners yesterday, because all the questions for our story got answered!  We were even able to identify some of the sounds in some of the words we were writing together! We counted the number of words in the sentences. Everyone got a chance to be a word detective and find one of the words in our story!

Library Day today!  Mr. Wesselius (Librarian) read us a story and he brought us some library books to choose from. Each person who had returned their book from last week was allowed to sign out a new book today. Please read and return this library book on or before next Day 6. (Oct. 15). (All books that weren't returned by today should be returned asap!)
Sharing Time... something that is green


  1. WAY TO GO !!! to the boy putting the ABC's in order, and WELL DONE!!! to the boy that made the red, white & blue board. I'm proud of all of you for the great jobs you do. Enjoying your blog in Texas

    1. HI. and Thank you! Those little blocks are called plus-plus blocks. We like playing with them.
      From Room 9

  2. Looks like a fun day! I like those counting pom-poms. I think we forgot to bring something green today! -H's mom

    1. Hi. We had fun counting the pom-poms. We had to use the tweezers to pick them up!
      From Room 9
