Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Write Around the Room & Fall colours

We made some colourful fall trees by stamping paint onto a picture of a tree!
Discovery Time....

We were going to go outside to do some leaf rubbings, but with this wet, rainy day, we didn't want our paper to get wet we stayed inside to try it. 
Today we did our first "Write Around the Room". Everyone had to be word detectives and look for words that are displayed around our room. Have your child try this at home, too!  All your child needs is a piece of paper and any writing tool! Then he/she walks around the room/house and writes down any word he/she sees. (It doesn't matter right now if your child can read the word, right now we are working on identifying and copying letters/words and trying to remember to hold our writing tools correctly!)

I'm posting this edited photo.... we have 14 students in our class, and one name paper wasn't hung up when  I snapped the photo yesterday!

Sharing time... something that is RED. Everyone was able to tell about their item and ask the audience for questions!  


  1. Those fall trees are BEAUTIFUL!!! Great job everyone. I love seeing all the fun things you make here in Texas.

    1. Hi. Thank you! We had fun making those fall coloured leaves.
      From Room 9

  2. Wow what a nice picture tree ,

  3. Beautiful trees and beautiful leaf pictures! I remember making leaf rubbings when I was in kindergarten. What an awesome blue play-doh creature. Thank you for the pictures! - H's mom

  4. HI. We had fun playing with our play-doh! Thank you for the comment.
    From Room 9
