Monday, September 21, 2020


 Today we learned how to play "Colour and Shape Bingo!"  Here is our winner shouting "BINGO!". 

We talked about things we need to do to get ready for school, then we did a cut and paste.

Today was our play structure day! Since we can only play with the friends in our own classroom 
(our co-hort), we have to take turns with the other classes - playing in different areas of the play ground. Today was our turn to use the play structure!

These 2 were building a unique structure with the blocks!
Mrs. Havixbeck stopped by to teach us a lesson from the "Project 11" curriculum. She read us a story, we talked about how we are each unique and special, and then did a little movement break as we followed along to a video, that included the Jets Coach (Paul Maurice).


  1. Looks like a fun day! I love the block tower. Thank you for the pictures!

    1. Thank you for the comment. We did have a fun day!
      From Room 9
