Thursday, September 24, 2020


We are learning to read our own names, and those of our classmates. Every morning we sign in on the Smart Board, by finding our name!
This group did a great job sharing their items in their "All About Me" bags! 
Everyone is bringing a Sharing Schedule home today. We are looking forward to having everyone share again next week!
The Kindergarten Science curriculum includes learning about trees. We have been learning about the parts of a tree, and the changes in a tree during fall. Today the kids had fun playing outside with some logs, and even checking out the bark of the tree.  (Ask your child to tell you about the parts of the tree, including the.... trunk, roots, bark, branches, crown)




  1. Wow, that looks like some cool building you guys are doing! And I love your Smart Board sign in. Hope everyone had a great third week! - H.'s mom

    1. Hi. Thank you! We had fun!
      From Room 9
