Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Sharing time

We started our Sharing Time today. These 5 students each shared the items in their "All About Me" bags today, and picked one item to have in our photo! They all did an excellent job telling about the items in their bags!!  Their classmates enjoyed learning about some of their friends' favourite things!
We have been having our morning Story Time outside. We have found lots of good places to read a book! Hopefully the weather cooperates for a little while longer!
Our helper was spinning the red die on the Smart Board, to find 4 dots, to match the number on the blue die.
We did a cut and paste activity today. We had to cut out the sets of apples, to match to the number on the trees!
We welcomed a new friend to our classroom today. We now have 14 students in our class!



  1. What a wonderful to share their favourite things with their friends.

    1. Hi. Elnata,
      We liked sharing our favourite things with our friends.
      Thank you for the comment.
      From Room 9
