Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Sharing the love

Today was "Wear a Word Day" for I Love to Read month. Almost everybody wore clothing with words on them, and one little fellow even added some extra words which just melted my heart. He also used play-doh to write me a message, too!!
And I got another play-doh message here!

Number concepts with play-doh
We opened our new dramatic play centre today. The Post Office was quite busy, and kids were engaged in writing notes to families, friends, and me!

Library Day today. Check out the words on their clothing!

We did  "Write Around the Room" with a twist. The kids had to find the words that I had hidden around the room!  They were so excited, (it's really hard to explain)... but they LOVED being  detectives and finding the 12 hidden words!   
Parents: If you would like a list of the words I used and want to try this activity at home, let me know and I will send it home with your child. 
Sharing Time....


  1. Wyatt loves to tell me how much he loves Mrs. Grant. He was very excited to write that out and wear it today.

    That sounds like a really fun game that you played. We will have to try it at home as well!

    1. Hi. We had a lot of fun playing the "detective write around the room game". Mrs. Grant 's heart was SOOOOO happy about the nice words on Wyatt's shirt and the play-doh message. It made her heart smile. Thank you so much!!!!
      From Room 7

  2. Another great learning experience! Very nice Tshirts, and great words! Love all your playdough creations too. Very cool Wyatt, showing Mrs. Grant how much you love her! I'm so proud of you my boy! - Grammie

    1. Hi. We had fun wearing words yesterday. We like your nice compliments. Mrs. Grant loves us all! We make her sooooooo happy!

      From Room 7

    2. And I'm glad that Mrs. Grant loves you all! You are all very loveable! Have a great weekend kinders!! - Grammie
