Monday, February 10, 2020

Patterns, paint, and hole punches!

Today each person picked a colour to paint a big heart. Any colour. After the big heart was painted, we added some white to the paint dish, and mixed it up.... and everyone's paint became a lighter colour. And when we added white to the red paint, the paint turned to a pink colour!   Here is a picture of the 2 colours of orange painted onto the hearts, and the dark purple getting mixed into a lighter purple colour!
Many kids picked up a hole punch today, and strengthened their hand muscles as they punched out the matching lower case letters on the paper.

These kids were busy using Valentine cards to make patterns.
Look who wore their pajamas today for "cozy up and read" day.

We did do another activity today, which we hope to finish tomorrow. Stay tuned!


  1. Beautiful Valentine's Day creations! 99 days in school today?? Time flies when you're having fun! Great pictures as usual! Enjoy your celebrations! - Grammie

    1. Hi. Thank you for liking our Valentine's day creations. Today is our 100 day coming to school. We are going to have a 100 day party next Tuesday! Happy Valentine's Day.
      From Room 7
