Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Star of the Week

Our "Star of the Week" did an excellent job telling us all about himself. He was able to explain all his answers on the poster, and tell us about the photos! Well done!

Discovery time.... writing names of our classmates...
....sorting and making patterns ...
...measuring the colourful tape lines on the table (with blocks) and recording our observations...
....matching the number of dots on dominoes to the number
Music Time....
Mrs. Lowe stopped in to do a "Kids in the Know" lesson. Ask your child to explain these pictures.... about things that are O.K. and things that are NOT O.K.
Sharing Time...
PLEASE see the note coming home today about the OPEN HOUSE next week on the 21st. Parents (and your child) are invited to stop in anytime from 4:30 - 7:00PM.  This is your child's opportunity to show you all about what he/she has  been learning during the past several weeks. As times are not scheduled, you may also be lucky enough to meet some of the other students/families from Room 7 at this time.

 I will also be able to have a chat with all families at this time.
Please refer to the note for more info.


  1. Eva loves she Tuesday’s because it’s her sharing day

    1. Hi. We like seeing what Eva brings on her sharing day. We ALL like our sharing days! It is fun to bring a toy to school!
      From Room 7
