Wednesday, October 30, 2019

One more day 'til Halloween!

... and the excitement is rising!

Discovery Time....


This was our math problem today.
The kids worked in pairs, to build the stairs, and then show different ways they could decorate using 5 pumpkins.  Here's some of the options...(we are learning different ways to build numbers)..... and for the number 5, some of the options were.....  4 and 1 make 5, 3 and 2 make 5, 1 and 4 make 5, 2 and 1 and 2 make 5, 2 and 3 make 5, and 5 and zero make 5!
Sharing Time

Wear your costume to school!  But be prepared to go outside for recess!


  1. That's an amazing job on the Jack-O-Lantern. Well done!!!!! Nice job arranging the pumpkins on the stairs. I treasure all your hard work. Can't wait to see your costumes. HAPPY HALLOWEEN from Texas.

    1. HI. Thank you for the comment! We are all dressed up today and ready to go Trick or Treating tonight. What are you being for Halloween?

      From Room 7

  2. Thanks for asking. I didn't dress up this year. I miss those days.

    1. HI. You could still dress up even though you are an adult. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. A and all the other teachers dressed up for Halloween! You could, too! :)

      From Room 7
