Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Rain, rain...

Painting some beautiful flowers in a mosaic vase!

8 blue plus 2 red equals 10 colours on the ten frame!

She drew some lovely pictures of people playing and holding hands!

The "Whack A Mole" game was a hit!  Just like at the fair, you have to whack a mole... but you must hit the one with the correct number.....that comes next as you count up by ones!  This young lady hit 100 moles numbered from 1 - 100!! You can play this on your  home computer, too. Just go online to...    Whack A Mole (click the link)

RAINY DAY = indoor recess....(and we also learned the "rain, rain, go away" rhyme... and picked out the rhymes in the verse.)

Sharing Time....


  1. EXCELLENT work painting the flowers for the vase. Great artwork on the people holding hands. Hitting 100 moles??? Are you sure that girl is in Kindergarten? Congratulations to all for a job well done. Loving your blog in Texas

    1. HI. Yes, that girl who hit 100 moles IS in our Kindergarten!! She said she knows how to count to 100. Thank you from the artist who drew the people picture.
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      From Room 7
