Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Another fairy tale with the number "3"!!  Do you know the story of "Goldilocks and the 3 bears"?  Everyone enjoyed this story today, and some kids acted it out for the rest of the class. 
Goldilocks was fast asleep in baby bear's bed!
And baby bear found someone sleeping in his bed!
These 2 narrators did an excellent job of helping retell the story!

They got themselves organized to take a bow!

... building a little chair/bed for the 3 bear characters...
Sharing Time...

Please make sure your child brings a hat to school and a refillable water bottle. You can also put sunscreen in your child's backpack, and he/she can put it on for outdoor play and learning. We will be spending time outdoors over the last few weeks of school!


  1. I love your cardboard cutouts, they look fantastic! what did you guys learn from the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears?

    1. HI. We learned about NOT going into stranger's houses, and don't sit on anything that is not yours, and don't just go into a stranger's house and sleep on their bed, and don't eat things that are not yours! And don't steal stuff from others, and stay away from stranger's and their houses!
      From Room 7
