Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Baby Elias

Our "Roots of Empathy" baby came to visit us today. We were so surprised to see that Elias could now stand and walk all by himself!  Today we talked about things he likes to eat. We noticed that he eats a lot of things that we like to eat! He had a watermelon snack (little cubes of watermelon) -- which he was able to use his pincer grasp to hold and eat... and he loved it!  Then his mom gave him a piece of olive -- and we noticed he made a funny face when he first put it in his mouth!!  He took it out and looked at it, then put it back in his mouth. We also talked about how baby Elias was sitting in a special chair, and his mom and Mrs. Macdonell were sitting right beside him to keep him safe, as the chair was strapped onto another chair.
Elias' big brother Jacob came with him today. Jacob is almost 3 years old, and he was the Roots of Empathy baby a couple years ago!  Now he's a "big" boy!
"This building is 32 tall"... said the young man with the metre stick!

All library books are now due!  Ms. Janzen read us a couple books today, and we were able to look at books by ourselves, but we were not allowed to sign out a book today. With only 20 school days left (and Ms. Janzen only works at our school every second day), Ms. Janzen  needs to do an inventory of the library -- and track down missing books!!  Everyone in Room 7 - with the exception of 3 students -- have returned library books.  Please return your child's library book if it is still at home.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Baby J.

We are very excited and looking forwards to going to the Zoo on Friday.  Today we brainstormed what animals we think we might see when we are at the Zoo. This is the list that we came up with..... (all answers were accepted and noted on this chart)


Mrs. J. -- our EA who went on maternity leave earlier this month -- stopped by with her little Baby J. -- whose name is Teresa! We sang some nursery rhymes for the baby, and presented her with a special birth-day book that we had made for her. We had some questions for her and she answered some things we were wondering about. It was so nice to have them stop by.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Popcorn counting and eating!

Sometime when we count by tens to 100, we use our "popcorn fingers" to help us. So a few days ago, we decided that on Friday - today- we should have some REAL popcorn. From the time we put the kernels into the hot air popper..... to seeing it pop, hearing it pop, smelling it while it popped, touching and eating it, of course---- we used all of our 5 senses! Some kids had never seen a hot air popper, so they thought that was kinda cool, too!
Waiting patiently for the popcorn to all pop!!!

Sharing Time
Have a good weekend!  If you haven't already returned your child's permission slips, please do so on Monday!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Block patterns

Blocks seemed to be quite popular today....
Smart Board alphabet activity

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


On our field trip to the Children's Museum we did a paper making activity... where we shredded some paper that was ready to be recycled... and we recycled it into making our OWN PAPER!  We had to let it dry for a few days!  Today we tried writing on it with different writing tools... pencils, crayons - light and dark, and markers. We noticed that some tools worked better than others!

Mrs. Macdonell (Resource Teacher) visited our room today, and yesterday, too. She was reviewing what we have already learned about emotions, body language, how we are the same but different, and  how everyone is special for many different reasons. We have also been learning about milestones, with reference to baby Elias and all the milestones he has reached since we first met him... and there have been many!!!!  Today we each drew a picture of something that we can do -- a milestone that each of us has reached! Ask your child to tell you about his/her milestones!


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Honey Bees

This is our "Star of the Week"!! Her smile brings a smile to all of us.
We had a practice lockdown this morning. We had to sit very quietly in our classroom with the lights off during this drill. 
This young man was writing some number sentences on the white board today!
Mrs. Grant showed us some pictures of something that happened at her house yesterday. A big swarm of buzzing honey bees flew into her yard, and then settled down on a tree in the front yard. A bee keeper came to get the bees. He brushed them off the tree into a bag and took them to his truck where he had some honey combs inside a wooden bee box. He said he would be taking them out to a canola field in the country where they would be very happy! He said there were hundreds of thousands of bees on that tree!!!  

Here's a little joke from Mrs. Price, our EA..... "Why do bees have sticky hair?"....(answer at the end of this post)

The bee keeper had several bags of bees!
And thank you to this young lady for drawing me a nice picture after our slide show of the bee party.
Sharing Time....

"Why do bees have sticky hair?"  
Because they use.... a honeycomb!  
Just a reminder to return your field trip forms! 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Bus Ridership & Library

Today Bus Driver Bob stopped by to remind us of the safe way to ride a school bus. 

We also practiced how to leave the bus in case of an emergency.

Library Class... 

One of our classmates celebrated a birthday today, and brought cupcakes for everyone!  So we went outside and sat at the picnic tables and had a little cupcake picnic!
LONG WEEKEND........No school on Monday!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


We did a "Write Around the Room" activity today. The kids were writing for 20 minutes... and some asked to write even more after recess!  At the beginning of the school year, we were lucky if we did this activity for 3 minutes!

Stamping dots with a bingo dabber is always lots of fun!

Sharing TIME