Friday, April 24, 2020

Stevenson Parade

It was a great day for a parade!  😎 Stevenson Staff (and some family members) and a few other guests drove up and down the streets in our school catchment area to say HELLO to our students and community members! We miss our students! It touched my heart to see so many people outside their homes - smiling, waving, saying HI, and holding signs. It was hard to take pictures and hold my sign, but I managed to snap a couple photos along the 90 minute parade drive!  My family enjoyed being in the parade and we couldn't stop smiling!!🥰     Missing my Room 7 Kinder friends, but happy to see so many of them today!

Today one of our SEESAW jobs was to explain some of the information that could be observed from this graph I made. Kids were encouraged to count, and to use math language as they explained what they noticed here. Then.... they were challenged to make their own graph, with little objects of their own. Check out Wyatt's graph below. ↓ He sorted & graphed his Ryan's World toys! Awesome!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. That was a FANTASTIC idea to have a parade!!!! Wyatt, you did an outstanding job with sorting and making a graph with your toys. Missing your smiling faces in Texas.

  2. The parade was fun for staff and the community! People of all ages outside in their yards. Smiling faces all around!
