Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sliding fun!

We went outside before recess, grabbed some crazy carpets, and had so much fun sliding down our little hill!

We noticed that some of our clothes have patterns on them!
Someone sang the alphabet song and wrote the abc's without looking at anything for a reference!
Copying words...
We had a guest reader today!

We were detectives and had to listen to the clues to figure out which number from 1-20 that we needed to colour!
Sharing time...

WANTED:  Next month is "I Love to Read Month". I am looking for some parents or grandparents to volunteer to come into our class and read one or two of your favourite stories to our class. There are a lot of days in February, so I am sure we can find a day that works for you! Wouldn't it be great if we could have a different person come read to our class every day of the month!  If you have 20 minutes or so to spare, please let me know. We would love to have you stop by and read the class a story!
Thank you!


  1. That's FANTASTIC for the girl to write the ABC's from singing the song. WAY TO GO!!!!
    from Texas

    1. HI. The girl who wrote the ABC's says she likes writing the abc's. We think she did a great job, too!
      From Room 7
