Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Number 1

We had a visitor today, who taught us some new things on the iPads. One of our jobs was to take pictures of numbers that we could find around the room.
Different ways to represent the number 1... ask your child to tell you about this.


  1. The girl's smile shows how proud she is of the snowman she made. NICE JOB!!! I'm proud of you all the way in Texas. I love making different kinds of snowmen. Is it because we don't have any snow here?

  2. HI. We do HAVE snow . We have lots of snow. Does it ever snow in Texas? The girl who made the snowman says "Thank you for the compliment!"

    From Room 7

  3. Thanks for asking. It does snow up north in Texas sometimes, but never stays long. We have seen a small amount down here a couple of times.

    1. Hi. We are surprised that you don't get lots of snow. We get enough snow to build a snowman and to go tobogganing! It is fun!
      From Room 7
