Tuesday, September 17, 2019

To Share or Not to Share?

Today we read this story, and had a discussion about this book. We talked about things that are o.k. to share in our class, and things that we should NOT share in our class. Not sharing GERMS is most important!!  Please help support/ teach these skills at home.... by reinforcing covering your cough and sneeze at home, washing hands with soap EVERY time after using the bathroom and coughing or sneezing into them, and not putting our hands in our mouth or nose!  We practiced coughing and sneezing into the inside of our arm, rather than into our hands. We can also use a kleenex if we have one handy!



  1. Courtney Ryder9/17/2019 9:40 PM

    Thank you for this window into your classroom! I love seeing all these updates!

    1. Hi. Thank you for the comment! We are glad you look at our blog! We like checking all the comments that people leave for us.
      From Room 7

  2. Hi! We are so glad you look at our blog! we like reading all the comments! Thank you for leaving us a comment!
    From Room 7
