Friday, September 13, 2019

That's a wrap on the first week of school!

Friday happenings....

These bus pictures had the ABC's on them... and we had to put them in the correct alphabetical order! We did it!!  Twice!
Every morning we add a popsicle to this little container. Can you believe we have already had 6 days of Kindergarten!!    
During the past six days, we have been learning SO many things!!  Including...... Social Skills such as using our manners...sharing & taking turns...keeping our hands and bodies to ourselves.  Also....patterns, calendar, shapes, ABC song, counting, cutting, and more!  And...using our inside voices when we are in the classroom... learning our classmates' names...reading and printing our own names... getting our jackets on independently.... "flushing" and washing our hands as needed!  And that's just a few of the things we have touched on these past 6 days!
It's Friday! End of the first week of "back to school"!  Look what our administrators did for the staff!  They stopped by with a "yummy"  treat!! (don't let the signs fool you... the cupcakes were delicious!) Thank you to Ms. Couch and Mrs. Lowe for a nice way to end the week!
Thank you to all the people who have already left us comments. They are very much appreciated... because they help me (and the class) know that someone is reading our blog. Otherwise, there would be no sense in doing it! Please note, that when you leave a comment, I get to moderate it first before it gets published to the blog. This helps keep SPAM off of my blog. So even though you will not immediately see your comment when you enter it, please know that it will be published within 24 hours or less!
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. They have so much to learn.weldone Mrs Grant and Mrs A

    1. Hi. YES! We have so much to learn in Kindergarten! Thank you for the comment!
      From Room 7

  2. Everyone looks like they are having a great time with all the activities. Those cupcakes are so cute. Your Texas blog reader

    1. Hi. We ARE having fun at school. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. A. said those cupcakes were yummy!!

      From Room 7

  3. Great first week! So many exciting new things to learn and experience. I'm so happy to be able to see into the classroom. 😁

    1. Hi! Thank you for the comment! We like to read all the comments from everyone! Your son says you know he is in Room 7, so you know who wrote this comment!

      By Room 7
