Monday, January 15, 2018

Reading with a partner

Today we each read a little book. We practiced how to sit (side by side) when reading with a partner.
Matching up the accessories for the snowman.... We need to observe the patterns!
Building a snowman -- one snowball for each letter in our name!
Counting out the correct number of "marshmallows" to put into the "hot chocolate" - using the tweezers (developing those little muscles in our fingers)
Someone wrote a special note for her dad today.....awww
("I love you so much")


  1. I love those snowmen. Great craft idea for me. That girl's dad will be so proud of his daughter writing that love note to him. EXCELLENT Job!!! Staying warm in Texas until tomorrow when the cold will be coming from Canada. B-r-r-r

    1. Hi. Some of our snowmen are TALL and some of them are shorter because some of our names have more letters than our friend's names.
      The girl who wrote that note says."Thank you" for the nice compliment.
      From Room 7

  2. Aww, what lovely pictures of everyone reading together. And that's a beautiful note to someone's dad. I love the picture.

    1. Hello. Thank you for the comment. We had fun reading our little books together. We were reading a book called "The Snowman".
      From Room 7
