Thursday, January 18, 2018

Do you want to build a snowman?

Today we learned how to join strips of paper to make a paper chain. (Not as easy as you might think!) Then we joined our individual short chains with a partner, to make a longer chain. We used our teamwork skills to make the chain even longer!  Then we put the chains all together....... so, (with a tune in your head, think)...."Do you want to build a snowman?"

Drawing lines around the obstacles....
Making mitten patterns...

Sharing time....

Some information from the public library....


  1. That young man did an AMAZING job on the train locomotive. Enjoyed seeing your paper chain snowman in Texas.

    1. Hi. That young man likes to draw trains! HE drew another train today. We had fun building that snowman! We made an OLAF snowman from the movie called "Frozen". Have a good weekend!
      From Room 7
