Wednesday, January 25, 2017

All about numbers!

We have been talking about numbers over the past several days and recording what we know about numbers!   It has been so exciting to hear and see the kids show what they now know about numbers!! 

Yesterday we talked about the number "6" and wow!!! ... did the kids ever have a lot to say!!  It was amazing to hear the number stories that some of them came up with to describe the number 6. For example....

  • Chloe told us that... 5 plus one makes 6
  • Vera told us that...7 take away 1 makes 6
  • Parker told us that... 9 take away 3 makes 6
  • Oussama told us that... 8 take away 2 makes 6
  • Ali told us that... 10 take away 4 makes 6
The kids in the photo below showed "6" on the ten frame, dominoes, and die!

Today we brainstormed things we know about the number 7 ... and recorded what we know!! The boys and girls came up with all of these number stories -- without any help from Mrs. Grant!! WOW!!!!

This is 7 red circles on the 10 frame.  (and did you know that 7 plus 3 makes 10!)

We figured out that we would need to work together and use 2 dice to show 7 dots on the dice. 
These two found 7 dots on the that means... 5 plus 2 makes 7  AND  4 plus 3 makes 7

Here is what our other number charts look like....

Write Around the Room....

Showing off his structure....



  1. You did an AMAZING job with the numbers. I'm impressed how well you did.
    GREAT JOB!!! Mrs. Grant's aunt in Texas

    1. Hi! We like learning about numbers! We know a lot about numbers!! Mrs. Grant said we are getting SO smart!!! It is very fun learning about numbers! Thank you for the comment!
      From Room 7
