Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Library Day

 Library Day today! Everyone who returned their library book was able to choose a new one today.  Please return all library books on or before the next day 6.


There was a school wide math contest and we had to estimate how many jacks were in a jar. Each class had a winner - and this prize was awarded to the winner from our class!
Sharing Time


  1. Very excited to hear about the jacks guessing game! How exciting!

    1. Hi. We all had to put our thinking hats on and estimate how many jacks in the jar! It was fun trying to guess how many!
      From Room 9

  2. Wow, what a great blues day outfit! I wonder what book Mr. Wesselius was reading you! It was nice to see Room 9 out in the field at lunchtime yesterday - sorry our dog was so barky! -H's mom

    1. Hi. Mr. Wesselius read us a book about planting trees. We can't remember what it is called. We liked seeing Gus!! He sure is big! He has a loud bark and he scared some of us! But H. said he is friendly but.... if you run, he will try and catch you and bite you!!
      From Room 9
