Monday, January 11, 2021

Winter math and literacy activities

There are a variety of ways to represent a number.... by the word, fingers, dominoes, five frames, 
ten frames, dice, tally marks, and more!
On the Smart Board, we made a pattern with mittens! 
She looked at the picture of the snowman on the card, then "built" the snowman using the connecting blocks!
Finding the colours and counting/moving the beads!
Putting the correct number of snowballs on the shovel!
                                                          sewing the snowmen!
matching the letters of the alphabet



  1. The girl did an amazing job placing the numbers of different ways on the snowmen. Nice looking snowmen! Also WAY TO GO!! to the girl making a snowman with the connecting blocks from a card. Your blog reader in Texas

    1. HI. Thank you for the nice comment! The girl said it was easy making that snowman!
      Have a good day!
      From Room 9
