Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Grocery Store

Our Grocery Store opened today!!!   We had shoppers, store clerks, workers to bag the groceries, and more!   And don't forget to bring your reusable bags to the store!
...and you should make a grocery list so you know what you need to buy when you get to the store!
Library Day today...
Putting the word colour puzzles together..

L is for..... lego

Thank you to the people who have already sent in items to our grocery store. If you have any other items that you think we could use in our store, please send them to school. Food boxes, containers, etc. should be empty, clean, and dry. (Please do not send real food.) Thank you!!


  1. Does your grocery store deliver groceries? If you do, I'll send you my list to have them delivered. I'd appreciate it very much. Waiting for your answer in Seguin, Texas.

    1. Sorry, NO we cannot deliver you groceries. They are fake! We have fun playing in our grocery store, though.
      From Room 7

  2. Great teaching moments....you can never learn too early to grocery shop! - Grammie

  3. HI. We are having fun grocery shopping in our store!
    Have a good weekend!
    From Room 7
