Thursday, December 5, 2019


Thank you to the Parent Council for planning this Christmas activity. Anyone who brought their Santa photo paper back with $1 got to have their photo taken with Santa today. Thank you to Sparkles the Elf and the photographer for your assistance, too. All students in the class also received a small candy cane. Parents: the photos will be emailed to you as soon as they can do that!
Today we were challenged to make an ABC pattern in the shape of a candy cane!
These boys were enjoying "reading" their Christmas books in the Gingerbread house!

.. We call this "Thinking Skills!" This young man is an expert at this activity!
This activity was called "candyman". We watched a short video clip of someone getting a handful of candy. We had to guess (estimate) how many candies he had in his hand. Then he opened his hand, and we counted!  We did the same thing.  These 2 kids had a great idea on how to place their candies on the carpet. It was so easy for us to count them.... because we know 3 and 3 make six! The arrangement reminds us of when we look at a die (dice) and quickly know how many dots there are without counting. This is called "subitizing!". 

puzzle time..

alphabet santa puzzles
Sharing Time

1 comment:

  1. GREAT JOB on all the activities everyone. A "SPECIAL" applause to the young man who is an expert in the "Thinking Skills" activity. Proud of you all the way in Texas.
