Thursday, December 12, 2019

using our toes

 (Last night)....Concert is almost ready to begin!

Looking pretty awesome before heading downstairs to the gym last night!

and today......

Today everyone took off their socks and shoes and tried using a push pin to poke holes in the paper, (to make holes for mini-lights shining on the tree). We also tried using a marker with our toes - to print our name on the paper.
Sharing time... from yesterday and today!


  1. I am Wyatt's Gramma and I was at the concert yesterday afternoon. It was fantastic. I loved the music and songs. All the kinder kids did so well. And I was so proud of Wyatt. 😊

    1. HI. Thank you for the nice compliment! We are glad you liked the show!We had fun singing those songs! Thank you for leaving us comments!
      From Room 7

  2. You all look gorgeous in your Christmas clothes. Was it hard to push the pin into the paper with your toes? Could you write your name with your toes? How many days before Christmas break? All these questions are being asked from Texas.

    1. Hi. Thank you. We liked wearing our pretty clothes. It was kind of tricky for most of us, but Malaika was really good at it! Our names looked pretty messy, except for Malaika! We have 5 more school days before our Christmas break!
      Thank you for the comment!
      From everyone in Room 7

  3. Lindsay Aboud12/12/2019 7:15 PM

    Thank you for making Malaika feel so special today. She came home telling us all about how her friends used their toes just like her. You have done an incredible job of making her feel just as important, competent and incredible as the other kiddos in her class.

    1. HI. Malaika was the little teacher who showed everyone how to use their toes. She was our expert! It was pretty tricky for everyone - except for Malaika! She is really good at using her toes!

      From Room 7

  4. Thank you for answering all of my questions. Your Texas blog reader.
