Sunday, March 24, 2019

It's a BOY!

Congratulations to Ms. Janz and her family on the arrival of the new addition to their family... a beautiful baby boy!  Cooper arrived early Sunday morning at 12:32AM. 
(Mrs. Grant thought he was going to arrive on Friday, but Ms. Janz is a trooper, and even with her early labor pains, she made it through the last day of school before Spring Break!)
We will miss seeing her at school every day, but look forward to when she stops by and brings Cooper to meet everybody in Room 7!  


  1. Congrats Ms. Janz and family! She was a trooper! You will be missed!

    -Remy and his family

  2. CONGRATULATIONS to the Janz family on the new addition.
    Did you have a nice spring break?
    WELCOME BACK!! from The Janzens in Texas.

  3. Congratulations! Cooper is adorable.
    Hugs from Xander and his mom

  4. HI. We will send all your messages to Ms. Janz! We think that baby Cooper looks adorable! We can't wait until he comes to visit! We are so excited to see him one day!
    From Room 7
