Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Birthday cupcakes

 Today was Mrs. Johannson's birthday. She is one of the EA's (Educational Assistants) who work in our classroom. Some kids helped to make cupcakes to celebrate her birthday. But first, ..we had a conversation about how we should do it. This is what some of the conversation sounded like, with input from several kids. Some said they didn't know, and declined to add to the conversation. 
Some Room 7 kids said....

  • " Put the cupcake mixer in the cup bags." (translation=put the cake mix in the cupcake liners)
  • "Add water to the cupcake mix."
  • "But first put in butter."
  • "Then put in 3 eggs into the butter."
  • "Mix the eggs and the butter."
  • Then someone said, "Put the cupcake mix and the eggs and the water in the bowl and then mix them in the bowl. Then put it in the cupcake liners. I know they are called cupcake liners because my grandma told me."

So after all these ideas, we checked the back of the box to see what ingredients we needed, then we got busy, and mixed all the ingredients together. Everyone who wanted a turn, had a turn using the mixer. We were amazed the batter turned a pink colour once we started mixing it. Then after Mrs. Grant put the cake mix into the cupcake pans, we went to the Life Skills room to bake them. We didn't want to leave the oven unattended, so we stayed in the room, enjoyed the nice comfy couches, and listened to a couple stories, as we enjoyed smelling our cupcakes baking in the oven!!
When they were done baking, we had to wait until they cooled. In the afternoon, everyone iced their own cupcake, and they were all quickly gobbled up. Everyone loved the Betty Crocker Strawberry Cake Mix we used for our cupcakes!    

As part of "The Integrated Arts" program, we had a visitor name Steve Locke spend a couple periods with us today. His activities encouraged us to develop confidence in spoken poetry, and we talked about rhyming and Dr. Seuss!
We also sang Happy Birthday to Mrs. Johannson, and presented her with a special birthday book we made just for her!  (We do this anytime someone in Room 7 has a birthday. Our birthday books have sure evolved from the September books to the books we make now!)

Here's one of the pages in the Birthday book!

Sharing time... L is for leprechaun, and today L is for LION!! (They are growling for the photo!)


  1. That was so sweet of you to make a special treat for Mrs. Johannson's birthday. The cupcakes look so yummy. You all did a great job. The girl did a terrific job making a beautiful birthday page for her. Happy Birthday Mrs. Johannson from Texas.

    1. Hi! If you will come visit us, we will make you some cupcakes, too! They were VERY yummy! Thank you for the nice compliment about the birthday page. She worked really hard on that page. Mrs. Johannson says "thank you " for the birthday wishes!
      From Room 7

  2. Happy belated birthday to Mrs. Johannson. : )
    Great job on those cupcakes kids! They look super yummy. It looks like another fun day in Room 7!
    ~ Xander’s Mom

    1. Hi! Those cupcakes WERE super yummy! They tasted like strawberry! We liked baking them at school! From Room 7
