Friday, September 28, 2018

The leaves are falling...

Everyone enjoyed this singable story today! "The leaves are Falling One by One"  but we sure weren't ready to see the snowflakes that were coming down at recess today!  

Today we cut out sets of apples and glued them onto the tree with the corresponding number

Successful construction of this number puzzle!

We had a visitor today. Ruth Hargrave read us a story and talked to us about topics including being responsible, doing our jobs, what being bored means, and what we can do to be happy!

It is hard to believe the end of September is almost here!  How did that happen??  
Have a great weekend!  See you in October!


  1. SNOW??? What's that? Is it early for snow, even up north?
    The girl who did the hearts and the ice cream cone with a cherry on top did an EXCELLENT job! Staying in touch from Texas

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. HI. Thank you for the nice comment. We did have some snow but it has already melted. Thank you for the nice compliment about the ice cream cone picture. It made our little friend smile.!
      From Room 7
