Thursday, December 17, 2020

Jingle bells

We have been experimenting with the hand bellls, and played a Christmas song, too! Check out our version of Jingle Bells that we did last week!

We learned about the "12 Days of Christmas Song", and decided to make a kids' version!

More Christmas activities...
Sharing time... S is for...
This year we couldn't hold a Winter Concert, so Ms. Rempel has been working hard at putting together a virtual winter concert for you to enjoy. Here is a little clip.... the link for the whole concert is being emailed out to parents.

One more day of school before the Christmas Holidays!   


  1. Hi Room 9! It looks like you are having a very festive time! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and hope to see you in the halls in the New Year! Miss you all!
    Mrs. Peterson

    1. Hi Mrs. Peterson, Thank you for the comment. We miss you! We hope you had a Merry Christmas and we hope you got lots of presents from SANTA and lots of presents in your stocking! We hope your children got presents, too. Have a good day!
      From Room 9
