Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday Fun

Sorting buttons

 Today was our turn to play outside at recess on the Hard Top surface. The kids were busy printing their names in the snow, printing words, and making themselves into numbers and letters!

Sharing Time



  1. I see you have some creative construction workers in Room 9. GREAT JOB! Are all the animals lined up at their feeding troughs? Amazing job in printing your names in the snow. Loving your blog in Texas

    1. Hi. Those animals were looking through the windows - at the chickens on the other side! We think they wanted to eat the chickens! Most of our snow has melted again! Now we need to wait for more!
      From Room 9

  2. Nice to see the dinosaur set I've been hearing so much about! Is that a block animal pen? So cool! I love the snow letters and words too.

    1. Hi. The dinosaurs were balancing on the balance board. We have to wait for more snow to write words again! Thank you for the comment.\
      From Room 9
