Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Autism Awareness Day

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. Today we discussed a little bit about Autism. Thanks to a couple of Stevenson families, everyone in the school is coming home with a bracelet to recognize Autism Awareness. Blue is the globally recognized colour of Autism. The red beads represent a newer movement within the autism community to bring acceptance as well as awareness. 

Our Star of the Week was excited to share his poster and photos today!

We played a new game on the Smart Board today. It is available online. We had to find the sight words! Check it out!
JUMP in Sight Word Munch (click here)

This fellow was busy making numbers out of blocks today!

Sharing Time.... something that starts with an /a/ sound


  1. Nice to see a lot of you wore "BLUE" in observance of World Autism Awareness Day.
    They did that in the schools here in Seguin, Texas as well.

    1. Hi. We wore blue to support autism and we learned about different kinds of blue. It is so cool to hear that even kids in Texas wore blue!
      From Room 7
