Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Seven Teachings

This young man can make a letter out of anything! Today he used the little blocks to spell.... Happy Valentine's Day ! What great ideas he has!

Today was the first day with our visitor, Richelle Scott. She is the Indigenous Education Teacher for SJASD. She will be visiting us several times over the next couple months, to teach us about "The Seven Teachings". Today she taught us about LOVE - the gift from the Eagle.

We used Valentine cards to make patterns today!
Library Day today!
We did a cooperative game today -- where everyone had a heart with a picture, and we had to find another person who had a picture that rhymed with the picture on our own heart. We did it!  
Rhyming is a hard concept for some children. Practice rhyming at home-- read books with rhymes, create your own rhymes - with real or silly nonsense words. Practice, practice, practice!
Sharing Time...
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day --- AND it is the 100th day of Kindergarten!!   Don't forget to bring your Valentine's to school!


  1. What a wonderful thing to learn about ( the 7 teachings) i am excited to learn more too!
    I love the rhyming words you all did!
    Also let Ms. Janz know that I have never read that Elephant and Piggie book to Remy....

    -Remy's Mom

    1. Hi. We like learning about the 7 Teachings! We are getting very good at rhyming!
      Remy really likes Elephant and Piggie books!
      By Room 7

  2. You're TERRIFIC young man in spelling with the blocks. Proud of your work in Texas.

  3. HI. The boy says that was "Too easy. He needed a nap!"
    He likes spelling words with things.
    From Room 7
