Thursday, October 25, 2018

Halloween activities

Flannel board activity

Matching print.. halloween words to halloween print
This young man retold the story of 3 of our poems, by using Halloween erasers to represent his story!  What a terrific idea he had. He did such an awesome job!
Today we used the little muscles in our fingers and practiced cutting out 5 little pumpkins, and put them on a gate that we each drew. We had to put the pumpkins in sequential order of smallest to largest! Ask your child to tell you the story of the "5 little pumpkin sitting on the gate!"


  1. That young man did an EXCELLENT job with the Halloween erasers. The young lady proudly showing off her pumpkins did an AMAZING job. Way to go everyone! I treasure your blog in Texas.

  2. Hi! We like the story of the "5 Little pumpkins sitting on the gate"!! It was easy putting the pumpkins in order from the smallest to the biggest! Thank you for the nice compliments!
    From Room 7
