Monday, September 30, 2013


What do you do in case of a fire?  Everyone should know.... So today our whole school practiced a fire drill.  We want to be sure we will all know how to exit the school safely and quickly in case of this emergency.  The alarm seemed rather loud to us, as we left our classroom and walked out the school to line up in a safe meeting spot. We did a terrific job for our first (and then second!) fire drill.

While we were outside during the fire drill, we checked out this tree in front of the school. We noticed several things....... that there were still a lot of leaves on the "crown" of the tree, and lots of leaves still on the "branches".... but some of the leaves were already turning yellow, and there were lots of leaves on the ground, too! We also thought the tree must be quite old-- as we noticed the "trunk" was pretty big!

Our Star of the Week did an awesome job telling us all about herself. She shared lots of photos which helped guide her discussion. Well done, young lady! 

These boys were busy creating robots (from outer space) on the white board.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Guess My Rule...

Today we played a game called...... "Guess My Rule".  We had to sort leaves into some kind of group and our friends had to figure out why we sorted them that way. We asked them to guess what rule we used to sort them..... 

Can you "Guess my rule?"

Some leaves from our leaf collection.

We used an app on the iPad to take photos of a leaf and then it was able to help us identify the name of the leaf.


Thursday, September 26, 2013


We were checking out some leaves today. We sorted them and made some comparisons as we noticed the fall colours, the shapes of the different leaves, and the different sizes.  We used magnifying glasses to take a closer look at them. WOW! We even noticed that some leaves were one colour on one side, and a different colour on the other side!
(thanks to the kids who brought in some leaves for us to explore)

This is called the Learning Carpet. We are learning to identify numbers up to 10 and put them in correct numerical sequence. We also have to figure out what numbers come.....before/after/between

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Look what I made!

We had library class today. First Mrs. Wood, the librarian, read us a book. Then we got to choose a book from a selection of books that Mrs. Wood saved just for Kindergarten students! Most of the students were able to check out a new book.
(If your child did not bring a book home today, please check around the house and return the overdue book that was signed out last week. Thanks!)

"I made 'Mat Man'."

"I made a little 'Mat Man'."

"This is a house. My house at home has a basement."

"This is a face and this is a cake."
"This is a castle."

"I made a mouse guy-- he has ears!"

"Look! It rolls. It's a circle, that's why it rolls."

"This is a cake."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

These boys got out the SNAKES AND LADDERS game this afternoon.

Today half of our class went to Room 12 to read with our buddies there, and the rest of our buddies from Room 12 came to our room to read with us here!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bus Ridership

"Bus Driver Bob"  came to school today to talk to us about bus ridership. We learned about how to get safely on and off the school bus, how to ride safely when the bus is moving, and how to leave the bus in case of an emergency. 

We have to walk around this safety arm -- so the bus driver can see us. We look up to him and he will give us a signal when it is safe to cross in front of the bus.

When we are on the bus, we must sit right down!  NO standing.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Fun

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Have a good weekend.

P.S.  Have you  adopted our school yet???
On our September 12th post, everyone -- and I mean everyone who reads our blog--- is requested to click on the link and adopt our school. (You don't need to buy a book or pay any money).... just locate the ADOPT our school buttons, and in less than a minute you can adopt our school. This is a FREE  thing to do.    For every 50 adopts, Chapters will donate 1 book to our school library. Our goal is to get one free book for every student.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Today we played Colour and Shape Bingo. 
First we each had to count out 8 "bingo chips" --- which was a challenging job for some children.  Then we had to use our listening skills to hear what coloured shape was being called. Then we had to check and see if we had a match ...... (if that coloured shape was on our card). The game ended when Makenna and Ethan M. called out "BINGO"  :)

Today we read the book How Full is your Bucket?  for kids  by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer.  (An excellent book for families to read together. I highly recommend you borrow this book from the library or stop by a book store.)  We did a little follow up activity, which your child is bringing home to show you.

Have a nice evening.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Have you filled a Bucket today?

Today we had a visit from our Speech & Language Pathologist -- Mrs. Mitchell. She read us the story Have you Filled a Bucket Today by Carol McCloud.  Everyone enjoyed the story and the discussions that followed. We divided up the class into three groups and then each group rotated through three different activities related to the story.

This book teaches that it is helpful to think of every person as having an invisible bucket. You can't see them----but they are there! What we say and do can either help fill a bucket OR dip into it. Let's all do our best do be bucket fillers... NOT bucket dippers! After all, helping fill someone else's bucket also helps fill our own.
Have you filled a bucket today?